Registration in the register of areas of law – Announcement pursuant to art. 6.32 and art. 7.4 of the so-called legal profession bye-law (in Dutch: ‘Verordening op de advocatuur’ or ‘Voda’)
mr. P.J.M. Gerritsen is registered in the following area of the law:
– Labour law.
This registration obliges mr. P.J.M. Gerritsen to follow education in this area of law each calendar year equal to ten training credits.
mr. P.M. Keegstra is registered in the following area of the law:
– Corporate law.
This registration obliges mr. P.M. Keegstra to follow education in this area of law each calendar year equal to ten training credits.
Organisation – Announcement pursuant to art. 7.4 lid 2 sub b and d of the so-called legal profession bye-law (in Dutch: ‘Verordening op de advocatuur’ or ‘Voda’)
KERN Advocatuur is the trade name of mr. P.J.M. Gerritsen and mr. P.M. Keegstra. mr. P.J.M. Gerritsen and mr. P.M. Keegstra are both party to a partnership through which costs are shared, but each of them individually enters into an agreement with the respective client and they shall individually handle the case through their own sole proprietorships KERN Advocatuur Gerritsen or KERN Advocatuur Keegstra and they are individually insured against professional liability (be referred to General Terms and Conditions that apply).